Calendar printing is ideal for advancement throughout the entire year. After quite a long time, custom date-books strengthen your customer's image as clients flip the page.
Regardless of whether clients hang them at home or in the workplace, your customer's Calendars will be attractive throughout the entire year. Logbook printing is an efficient decision for unmistakable promoting. For a littler choice, consider Magnetic Calendars. Expand your print benefits.
Kindly observe Special Instructions to guarantee your Calendars meet outline necessities.
A Bit About Product
Book Guidelines: 1) Build pages in Adobe InDesign or Quark Xpress at final trim size of a single page (5.5 x 8.5). 2) All pages with bleed as necessary. Use 0.125 inch bleed. 3) The dash border represents the trim and everything beyond this line will NOT print. 4) DO NOT BUILD JOB WITH PAGES AS SPREADS. NO READER OR PRINTER SPREADS. 5) Number of pages in files must match number of pages in the book. Include blank pages if necessary. 6) Pages must be in sequential order, for example, pages 1 through 8 for an 8-page book (as this template). 7) Supply single page high-res PDFs with bleed and fonts embedded.
General Information
Artwork Preparation Tips
Please download our guides/templates to ensure a more optimal print result.
Files must be submitted with proper orientation to ensure proper back up.
It is best to try to avoid using borders in your designs. If a border is too close to the trim, the trim may be slightly off-center of your job.
File must consist of 1/8" bleed and all important art and text must be within the safety margin.
Ensure that your PDF is high resolution and that all images are CMYK at 300 DPI. Please do not send any file and artwork in RGB color mode.
Black type should have the following values: C0, M0, Y0, K100 or 0 Grayscale.
Make sure to embed or outline all fonts.