NCR Forms
Idealize device for invoicing, POs and receipts. Composing on the main sheet exchanges over to the consequent two sheets in the frame.
Setup Guide
NCR Form Template with numbering FINISHED SIZE: 8.5” x 11” or 5.5" x 8.5" WITH NO BLEED 1/8 inch around all edges must be clear of any artwork or type. 1/4 inch from glue edge must also be clear of any artwork or type.
For NCR Forms with numbering, we require 3 fles to be supplied with the order:
1) Print PDF file with no numbering
2) Sample jpeg file showing how and where the numbers print on the form. Numbers can be printed in black or red.
Example: #00123
3) A database Excel csv file containing the range of numbers for printing.
General File Preparation Guidelines
Download our guides to ensure a more optimal print result.
Each job (including multiple paged projects) must be submitted as a single PDF file. Ensure that all pages are the same size.
Files must be submitted with proper orientation to ensure proper back up.
It is best to try to avoid using borders in your design. If a border is too close to the trim, the trim may be slightly off-center.
File must consist of 1/8" bleed and all important art and text must be within the safety margin.
Ensure that your PDF is high res and that all images are CMYK at 300 DPI.
Black type should have the following values: C0, M0, Y0, K100.
Embed or outline all fonts.
For best colour results, supply a CMYK only files.